Delirious New Lynn

$0.10 NZD
Coming soon
Delirious New Lynn

5ever books x Oscar Mardell x Sheahan Huri presents Delirious New Lynn!!!

We need you to fund the first print run!
This is effectively a pre-sales scheme,
with rewards for extra generous backers.

It happens on Pledgeme:

THE BOOK: Delirious New Lynn is the record of an obsession with an unnavigable backwater, a voracious drift down various culs-de-sac, an anti-psychogeography, a map of the schisms between mind and place, a poetics of trash, a rummage through the wastelands of Neoliberalism, a scavenger-hunt for meaning and nothingness, coincidence and randomness, beauty and ugliness, comedy and tragedy, comfort and horror, magnificence and absurdity, and spirituality too. Above all, it is a profusion of lists and digressions.