It was both, and.

Written by Sasha da Sylva / Sasha Francis
IT WAS BOTH, AND seeks to be a helpful addition to the growing argument for the architectonic validity of what it is to commune with the other. It takes its starting point of investigation a belief in the possibility of changes and an eye to the shifting dynamics of our shared metaphysical landscape.
The aim is to demonstrate that meaning matters, and too, always remains plural as it is caught in its own becoming. The concepts of relationality, speculativity, embodiment, low theory, and poetics are introduced and explored, as a poetry of the moment is put forward in all its messy reality. Perhaps things remain unfinished.
The format is interdisciplinary and playful, and it seeks to remain attentive to the serendipity of the spontaneous patterns unfolding all around us. With the greatest of care, form is followed only sometimes.
ISBN: 978-0-473-50336-9